Family Dental Care Blog | Smile Dental Center

Effects of Long-Term Teeth Grinding

It’s estimated that up to 33 percent of adults grind their teeth. This might entail clenching your jaw during the day or as you sleep, so waking up leads to teeth sensitivity or soreness spreading down your neck. Yet teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is not a harmless habit. The tension and erosion can…

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Benefits of a Dental Bridge

If you have multiple missing or damaged teeth in a row, a dental bridge helps restore bite strength and the appearance of your smile in less time than it takes to receive implants. A dental bridge is a type of restorative solution that replaces one or several missing teeth. Generally, this includes two crowns placed…

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Understanding Different Mouth Guards

If you grind your teeth or play a contact sport, your dentist may recommend a mouth guard. This oral device covers part of the teeth, typically the upper portion, but those with braces may need an additional guard for the lower teeth. Beyond protecting your teeth, gums and cheeks from impacts that could result in…

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Understanding Different Types of Mouthwash

Types of mouthwash continue to expand based on the purpose and oral condition. Learn about the different rinses available, so you’re not using a mouthwash that’s ineffective for your dental needs. What Does Mouthwash Do? Mouthwash is often the finishing touch of your oral care routine. After you floss and brush, it helps rinse away…

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Benefits of Braces & Clear Aligners for Adults

We typically associate braces with early adolescence to address alignment issues arising from genetics or a childhood habit like thumb-sucking. Yet the reality is, adults can also be dissatisfied with their smiles. Jaw misalignment and overlapping or shifting teeth may be reasons to get braces later in life. Today’s options are diversified, from traditional metal…

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